scroll down to find all the music we love to play on sundays at central!
ash wednesday at galveston central
contemplative melodies and thought-provoking lyrics for your 2025 lent season.
this sunday at galveston central
All the songs we're playing this Sunday. Updated weekly.
worship at galveston central
All the worship music we play.
We try to open every service with a secular song. We can find meaning and connect with the divine through any music if we listen well. Hearing a song by Taylor Swift or Willie Nelson or Black Eyed Peas in a sanctuary might seem odd to some, but we know it might be comforting to someone visiting for the first time to at least know one song. Here are some of our past opening numbers:
methodical melodical theological
If you're looking for something different, here's Ezra's worship mixtape. Songs we might not sing on a Sunday morning, but still speak Truth.
advent at galveston central
Different takes on classic Christmas music that we like at Central for your Advent season.