a united methodist congregation.
care for a stranger
by Rick on July 10th, 2023
Yesterday, as I was riding my bike on the Seawall sidewalk, a Central member flagged me down to help with an unsheltered man who was clearly in need of help. Keeping in mind that I am not a medical professional, nor do I have any inside information on Galveston EMS protocols, I thought maybe the guidelines I have for myself in such a situation might be helpful. So, for what it’s worth:If it’s a me...  Read More
what do i do?
by Rick on July 3rd, 2023
Note: occasionally, Front Row Central will feature stories from unsheltered persons in Galveston. I have made no attempt to fact-check these stories, and I have changed any details that might identify the storyteller. The details of the story therefore may be accurate, or not, but either way I hope they help us to understand a little of how homelessness looks from the viewpoint of a person experie...  Read More
join us
by Rick on June 26th, 2023
As in most beach towns dependent on tourism, Galveston police have a “live and let live” reputation when dealing with disturbances of public order. Strict enforcement of the laws against public intoxication and disorderly conduct at Mardi Gras or the Lone Star Rally would be a disaster - jail space would run out in the first couple of hours and next year’s events would be held in some other city. ...  Read More
the plan
by Dawn on June 19th, 2023
In the sermon this Sunday, Pastor Julia preached about the never-ending opportunity and call from God to reconcile. Always, the door is open to return to the loving embrace of a welcoming parent. Having just returned from three days at the New York Catholic Worker house, a place where saints are made, and radical hospitality to the most vulnerable on the streets of New York City is practiced, this...  Read More
for reagan
by Dawn on June 5th, 2023
This week at Central was Pride Sunday, a formal day to celebrate and honor all the beauty and bravery of our Queer community. But really, every day is Pride Sunday at Central--the reason I first fell in love with this church.Many people grew up in a religion that was shaming and cruel to anyone outside “expected” gender roles, and this was true for my family. So, when my niece, Reagan, came out as...  Read More
the promise
by Dawn on May 22nd, 2023
This past Thursday at Central was busy! Grace Clinic was full, and, with much of the church still out of commission due to the renovations, everywhere downstairs, including the sanctuary, was crowded. I met new people, visited with friends, and did a slightly better job this time of keeping the shower list moving. Overall, I hope I made myself more of a help than not! There were many connections t...  Read More
the world as it should be
by Chad on May 8th, 2023
On Sunday, we had three junior highers come upstairs for service with me, the Youth Director, while the main service took place. As they sat around on couches in the youth room, I held a pair of frames that used to be glasses and said, "these are special glasses. When you put these on, you'll see the world as it should be. Who wants to try them on first and tell us what you see?" Immediately one s...  Read More
do not be afraid
by Dawn on May 1st, 2023
It has been a little over a year since I was carjacked in my driveway. There were two masked men, one grabbed me from the rear, the other pointed a gun at my head. I managed to get away without major injuries. They got the car and my purse.Over the next few days, I retreated into a shell, like a turtle. Afraid to go outside alone and afraid of the dark, even though the carjacking happened in broad...  Read More
by Dawn on April 17th, 2023
Easter at Central--all I can say is…wow! From the art to the music to the procession of people of all faiths and beliefs, it felt like something glorious being celebrated. As Michael preached, resurrection is for the living, and I felt alive.   Even in our grand celebrations, being with God’s people, worshiping among the poor and excluded, we share their burdens, their angst and anxieties. At any ...  Read More
the power of practice
by Dawn on April 3rd, 2023
A few weeks ago, I was having dinner with a friend and talking about the challenges of our work: hers in the tough field of disaster recovery, mine with newly arriving asylum seekers and refugees. I am soft spoken by nature and sensitive to others and to the world around me. I have worked hard in my profession over the years to "toughen up", to be more confident, assertive, and effective. Yet, som...  Read More
do you belong?
by Rick on March 27th, 2023
Are you accepted by the people you meet? Or do you feel unconnected, excluded, even ostracized? Maybe that has happened occasionally to most of us, but it happens constantly to people without shelter. Being excluded just when you need others the most is particularly hurtful and cruel. I’ve been talking to some of our unsheltered guests about their feeling of belonging. It’s a hard subject to bring...  Read More
the monk
by Connor on March 13th, 2023
I was walking in the mall with a friend last month when we walked by a young man holding a stack of small books. I was expecting a typical salesman trying to overcharge me on something I’d never use, but his appearance caught my eye. He had ragged clothes, made to be worn for days on end. It’d clearly been a while since he shaved. When he looked our way and said, “How’re you guys doing?”, I notice...  Read More