1) Read Mark 12:28-31. What is your initial reaction to this text and/or to the sermon?

2) What has been your experience with the phrase "Love the sinner, hate the sin?" Has anyone ever said it to/about you? Have you ever said it to/about anyone?

3) The sermon argued that while, yes, we are of course called to love everyone, sinners included, if we see people as "sinners" first, it is really hard to actually love them well. What do you think about this? Have you found this to be true in your own life or in the world? Why or why not?

4) The sermon argued that, as Christians, we should still call out and work to change sin (or harm or injustice) in the world. However, we should be motivated to do this by love for our neighbor rather than hatred of sin. What do you think the difference between these is? What practices can you implement to be sure you are acting out of love for someone who is being harmed rather than hatred of anything? 


need to listen to this week's sermon first?