a united methodist congregation.
going up the river: part 2
by Rick on January 7th, 2024
If we do “go up the river” to find explanations of why so many people are experiencing homelessness, we find different ways of looking at it. One way is the “common sense” notion there is something wrong with the individuals who don’t have a home. It might be mental illness, substance abuse, lack of education or training, lack of interpersonal skills, family alienation, chronic lateness, inability...  Read More
going up the river: part 1
by Rick on January 1st, 2024
During Christmas we reconnected to the story of Mary, Joseph, and the soon-to-be-born Jesus, poor people desperately searching for shelter, for a safe place. The Christmas story particularly resonates with us at Central, because serving the poorest of the poor in Galveston is our specialty!While we are helping, as best we can, I sometimes think of an old tale about a mythical town on a river where...  Read More
lightning bolt
by Dawn on December 4th, 2023
A few weeks ago, Rev. Dr. Vincent Harris, the District Superintendent for our larger community, gave the sermon at Central. He talked about how, with each new day, we are new, renewed in the eyes of God. This is a powerful message to those that are worn down by limited choices and limited opportunities. That they can see themselves as fully loved and valued by our creator in the present moment, re...  Read More
god will provide
by Roslyn on November 15th, 2023
My spouse lost her job earlier this year. This meant that we also lost health insurance benefits.My spouse wept during church service; we were so troubled.In the search for a new position, my spouse spoke to someone at church. She shared that she needed employment as soon as possible. That conversation helped to facilitate employment for her within a week! This job allowed my spouse to get health ...  Read More
the bank
by Dawn on October 31st, 2023
As we end this official month of Pastor appreciation at Central, after much reflection, the thing that I most appreciate about Julia and Michael is that they have created for us so many opportunities to care for one another.  In all the work, activities, and events going on at Central, every caring word or conversation, every physical act of service, and every stance of solidarity with others in o...  Read More
the path
by Dawn on October 16th, 2023
There has been lots of “official” talk in Galveston about people in our community that don’t have access to housing. They may have temporary shelter, or live in their car, or, as the place of last resort, outside on the streets. Different groups have different ideas about who they actually are, and how to respond.At Central, we put Orthopraxy ahead of Orthodoxy as Pastor Michael preached this past...  Read More
the arc
by Dawn on October 2nd, 2023
I loved Pastor Julia’s sermon this past Sunday. The image of us running together in a sort of relay race, working towards a better world is soothing and hopeful. As is the idea that the arc of the Moral Universe is long, but it bends towards justice. We may not see a just world in our lifetime, we only get a small part of the arc, but that is OK. Our job is simply to be faithful to our part of the...  Read More
the line
by Dawn on September 17th, 2023
This past Thursday at Central was extra busy. Weary from the heat, many people that are unsheltered showed up for support, care, respite, and rest. The shower line and the laundry line filled up early. By the time I arrived, the end of the line was in sight, but frustrations were running high, and I was in a full sweat trying to keep it moving along! Our guests that hadn’t been able to shower for ...  Read More
be central
by Gabby G. on September 10th, 2023
Throughout my time at Central, I've had the privilege of occupying various seats within the sanctuary, but I can honestly say that I don't think that I've experienced the front row. Currently, my church family and I find ourselves nestled midway through the left section, right by the "welcome home" sign. I've had the opportunity to serve communion when needed, affording me a unique perspective as ...  Read More
the vision
by Dawn on September 4th, 2023
In every encounter, sermon, meeting, really in all things at Central there is a synergy. Somehow the activity/issue/sermon for the week comes together as inspiration and motivation. Everything good seems possible and I feel at my creative best in this community. So, this new sermon series that is underway, how can we “practice hope” together, is like fuel to my fire.The beach, the natural beauty, ...  Read More
the dormitory
by Dawn on August 21st, 2023
If you don’t already know, soon, Central will begin the work of sheltering people! I can hardly believe my good fortune to be a part of this loving community and to be a part of this new housing venture. The critical work of offering showers and laundry and health care is life sustaining, yet this is just the beginning. We know and love the people that live unprotected and vulnerable in our city, ...  Read More
the car seat
by Amy on July 17th, 2023
Last Tuesday, one of our community members introduced me to a new father, Jason, who was searching for a car seat. Jason and his significant other, Lucy, were the proud new parents of a baby that had arrived a little earlier than expected. While they were grateful that their little one was healthy and ready to go home, their discharge from the hospital was looking impossible. They did not have an ...  Read More